When I launched DoubleCheck Research nearly three years ago, my goal was to empower technology firms to make more informed business decisions based on the actionable insights that can be gained via a well-executed win-loss analysis program. I knew that internal attempts at win-loss analysis often struggle to uncover the full story about why technology vendors win or lose new customers and that other third-party approaches can be too cookie-cutter to really drive relevant insights for diverse companies. I saw an opportunity to take a more client-centric approach to win-loss analysis, one that combines a client’s unique business objectives with high-quality quantitative and qualitative research and analysis.
I’m happy to say our clients are finding great value in this approach. To meet the increasing demand for our services, our team is growing. I’m delighted to announce the following additions to the DoubleCheck team.
Kathleen Reidy has been making a significant impact at DoubleCheck for nearly a year, leveraging her breadth of experience in the software and research industries to successfully design and deliver on a number of client projects. I’m excited to announce Kathleen has formally joined DoubleCheck as our vice president of client research. In this role, Kathleen works with clients to understand business goals, and then develops and executes the right research programs to meet their needs. As part of this effort, Kathleen has been instrumental in leading the design and delivery of our new and improved executive summary and analysis program.
Yet another new hire, Jennifer Patenaude, has joined DoubleCheck as a research assistant. Jennifer brings a deep background in program management and data analytics in research and financial services industries. She will bring more rigor to DoubleCheck’s research and editorial processes, helping to ensure the timely deliver of research to our clients.
This bigger and better DoubleCheck team is a real milestone for me personally and for the firm as a whole. We are now well-positioned to deliver a wider array of buyer insight research and services to a broader client base. Look out for more exciting announcements to come shortly!
We’d love to hear any challenges your organization might have in using win-loss analysis to inform business decisions. Email me directly at ryan.sorley@doublecheckresearch.com.